Protection of personal data



The biggest value for Spordiürituste Korraldamise Klubi MTÜ (hereinafter - “SÜKK”) is the satisfaction of its Customers. In order to provide to the Customers best services possible and to correctly maintain all contractual relationships, SÜKK collects and stores data of the Customers in accordance with Principles of Processing of Data of the Customers. Availability of correct data ensures correct and fast provision of services to the Customer.


In this regard we would like to mention a few important points:

  • SÜKK strictly maintains confidentiality of the personal data disclosed to it, and SÜKK protects personal data of the Customer from unlawful disclosure to third persons using effective information technology security measures. 
  • SÜKK protects the personal data that it was entrusted with from any unauthorised use. SÜKK processes personal data in accordance with the law, and data is collected to the extent that is necessary for the provision of SÜKK’s services and assurance of the best quality possible for the Customers. 
  • SÜKK does not provide personal data to other persons, except for cases where the necessity to provide data arises due to provision of service of SÜKK (for example, to the time measurement service provider); if such obligation arises from the law; if the Customer himself or herself gave consent to provision of his or her data; or if the data must be provided in a situation where the Customer has breached the contract (for example, to the debt collection service provider).
  • SÜKK has the right to provide personal data to processors authorised by SÜKK (for example, to the time measurement service provider). In such cases, SÜKK ensures that the data processors process Customer’s data according to instructions of SÜKK and to the applicable law, and that they implement due security measures. The responsible processor is Spordiürituste Korraldamise Klubi MTÜ (address: Juhkentali 12, 10312 Tallinn, telephone: 608 7576, e-mail address:
  • SÜKK may send to its Customers advertising offers regarding its own services and services of its partners, and it may send customer satisfaction surveys in order to improve the quality of the service if the Customer gave his or her consent regarding that. The Customer has the right to refuse to accept the above offers and distribution of surveys at any time, by notifying SÜKK thereof. 
  • The Customer has the right to withdraw his or her consent at any time and to demand the deletion of his or her data from the customer database of SÜKK, by submitting a respective notice to e-mail address
  • Employees of SÜKK are aware of the principles of protection of personal data and of the obligation to maintain its confidentiality, and they are liable for breach of the above obligations. 
  • SÜKK stores personal data in its databases, and the person has the right to access his or her personal data or information concerning the person (for example, registered events, results, etc.) at any time. The person also has the right to demand the making of corrections to his or her personal data at any time, if the data was changed or is incorrect due to another reason. 
  • The Customer of SÜKK can see on his or her account which data in his or her regard has been collected by SÜKK, and if necessary the Customer can make additions or changes to such data.
  • Personal data processed by SÜKK includes: first and last name of the Customer, his or her personal identification code, citizenship, place of residence (county/city/parish), gender, telephone number, e-mail address, actions related to consumption and provision of services.


Please read Principles of Processing of Data of the Customers of SÜKK

Narva Linn
Euroopa Liit
A. Le Coq
Rimi Eesti Linnajooksud
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